
The centre itself was 40 years old in 2020. In order to contine to meet the needs of the local community planning application 211295 was submitted in 2021 to extend the centre by 463 square metres along the Lakeview road side of the centre.

This extension contains a remote work/innovation hub on the first floor and a cultural and language hub on the ground floor. Partial grant funding through the town and village scheme has been secured to complete phase 1 of the extension.

It is hoped to fund and deliver phase 2 after this work has been completed.

The entire extension will greatly enhance the look of the building and open the building up to new uses and users.

UPDATE 09 August 2022
An Request for Tenders has been published on E-Tenders in relation to the Community Centre extension.
If you are a contractor or know of a contractor that might be interested in bidding for the Tender please note:

Submissions are via the Etenders post-box only. Suppliers will need to register on Etenders and express an interest to download the tender document and respond via the Etenders post-box ONLY. DO NOT CONTACT THE CENTRE DIRECTLY.
Also, interested suppliers need to read the instructions to tender and submit all documentation required, to ensure their tender is eligible.

The tender is published here: